Funny Dachshund Pics With Jerry Springer

1.Mark Zuckerburg, Priscilla Chan, and Beast.
Mark Zuckerburg and Priscilla Chan own a Puli named Beast. On the day the couple were married, Beast escorted Priscilla down the aisle–with his sheepdog curls fashionably clipped above his forehead, of course. The weather was perfect, the venue, picaresque, and the pooch looked stunning in white.

2. Alan Cumming, Honey, and Leon.


Alan Cumming credits his childhood dogs for giving him his acting debut. They'd go for walks in the woods together then role play and spy on humans. A fully-grown Cumming is pictured here with his two dogs, Honey and Leon.

3. Jon Stewart and Little Dipper


Currently with three Pit Bull pups in his fam, Jon Stewart is a huge dog lover. Stewart loves bringing his three-legged pup Little Dipper to work so much that he actually implemented a bring your dog to work policy at The Daily Show. You know, so Little Dipper would have friends to play with. : )

4. Ryan Gosling and George


Ryan Gosling shaves a mohawk on his dog, George. On Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Gosling explained that he once gave the dog a mohawk for the summer. But George got grumpy when his hair started growing out. That cinched it–George's mohawk became a permanent fixture.

5. Amanda and Finn Seyfried


Amanda Seyfried loves her pup, Finn–and for good reason. Finn is a renaissance dog. He has his own Twitter, and he's an active poster. He loves taking selfies. But best of all, Finn has amazing discipline. He can balance things on his head. Even things he wants to eat. Like this burger.

(I would totally be eating already)

6. Susan Sarandon, Penny, and Rigby


Susan Sarandon has two Pomeranian mutts, Penny and Rigby. She keeps a scrapbook for each of the dogs detailing their best moments (Penny got to meet the Obama family and the Jonas Brothers). The Pomeranian pair even turned Late Night with Jimmy Fallon into Jerry Springer when they got into a doggie barking brawl on air. Who can top that?

7. The Obamas and Bo


You know who this is. The DOTUS (Dog of The United States). The First Dog. Air Dog One. Bo is a Portuguese Water dog. He was a gift from the late Senator Ted Kennedy. He's always looking classy in his furry tuxedo. And it's been rumored that Obama uses him as a trusted adviser on the most pressing policy issues crossing his desk.


By the way, this is Bo's new friend, Sunny. The president says she's "frisky."

8. Adele and Louie

Adele photoshoot for fans by Jesse John Jenkins (2010)

Adele has an adorable dachshund named Louie. Adele decided on his name when her fur baby sang along with a Louis Armstrong record–and good thing Louie sang. Adele was going to name him "Britney" after Britney Spears because she was attending a Spears' concert when Louie was born. You dodged a bullet, little Louie. Ain't it a wonderful world?

9. Rob and Marisol Thomas and Tyler


Rob Thomas is a solo artist and lead singer of the rock band Matchbox 20. He and his wife are also huge dog lovers. Rob and Marisol not only adopted a dog, but they also adopted an entire shelter. In 2004, Rob and Marisol adopted Tyler, their lovable terrier mutt, from a New York no-kill shelter called Pets Alive. After the death of the shelter's founder in 2007, the shelter was beset by money and staffing problems. Rob and Marisol helped out the shelter financially and began volunteering there. They are still active with the shelter today. As for Tyler, he now lives the celebrity life–jet-setting across the country by private plane when Rob goes on tour.


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