What to Know if You Recently Came Out as Bisexual

Bisexuals make up the largest share of the LGBTQ+ population in the U.S. In 2016, the Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention reported that 5.five% of women and 2% of men said they were bisexual.

Despite those numbers, those who identify as bisexual tend to get the short shrift in and outside the LGBTQ+ community.

As queer/bisexual writer Ashley C. Ford explained in her 2015 essay "I'm Queer No Matter Who I'thousand With," the fact that a bisexual "can't immediately be exclusively categorized every bit gay or straight makes people nervous." As a upshot, many bisexuals feel pressured to selection a team, and then to speak.

What's more than, many people believe that bisexuality doesn't really be or that it's "only a phase" ― an unfair assumption that leads to bisexual erasure, or bi invisibility, as it's besides known.

Given all that, it'due south no wonder it takes and then many people years to come up out as bi. While some say they knew they were bi equally soon equally they started crushing on boys and girls, others say it took decades for them to identify every bit bisexual.

Below, 12 people share their particular journey to coming out equally bisexual.

Note: Submitted responses have been lightly edited for style and clarity. Some sources asked to be identified by commencement proper noun merely, to protect their privacy.

"Information technology was something I pretended non to notice or indulge in because I didn't empathise those feelings."

"I've had a huge affinity for female characters always since I was a child. It all started with Princess Leia from 'Star Wars.' I used to rationalize it equally seeking a powerful female figure to expect up to. While that'southward a definitely a part of it, I also wondered what it would be like to switch places with Han Solo and exist the one kissing her, holding her hands. I recollect information technology never occurred to me those were romantic feelings considering of the environment I was raised in. It was something I pretended not to notice or indulge in considering I didn't sympathise those feelings and I thought I was the just ane.

"When I was older in college, I learned about the term 'bisexual' and had that affirmative moment a lot of LGBTQ+ folks have, which is, 'Oh gosh I'm not alone? I'1000 non crazy?' I would look back on the female person characters I was obsessed with and realized I had similar feelings to male characters I constitute attractive. Since and then, information technology's a affair of unlearning personal biases and internalized homophobia." ― Elise Marie, illustrator

"I love my sexuality and all its fluidity."

"Realizing I was bisexual was much easier than accepting, embracing and acting on the fact that I was bisexual. I realized I was attracted to men when I was xiv, only it took me until I was 24 to actually just bite the bullet and start publicly going on dates with men. I had been doing stuff on the downward low and had a hard time being 'somewhere in the centre.' I was annoyed that I couldn't merely be one or the other and it took me a good x years to really encompass it. At present I'grand fine with who I am and I accept information technology'southward not always in the eye, either. I love my sexuality and all its fluidity." ― Remy Duran, reality TV personality

"Not everyone gets the acceptance (or at least mild indifference) I had."

"In a strange way, my story of self-realization and credence wasn't as hard as what many others face. I realized I was bi somewhere around the age of xvi or 17, and I just incorporated information technology into my life. My mother thought it was a 'stage' and my begetter has remained willfully ignorant of the entire thing, every bit he can't fathom a reality where ane of his offspring would be annihilation but straight. (I never had a good relationship with him, so what he chooses to believe is up to him.)

"What I choose to believe in is the correct of people to be happy and whole, so I try to be there for anyone who might need a mitt. I'm open up and very out about being bi, and I want to exist there to assist support everyone in the LGBTQIA+ customs. Not anybody gets the acceptance (or at least mild indifference) I had, and, if I tin can, I want to be there to help make sure they experience valid and whole. ― Addy, 36

serts via Getty Images

"I didn't discover the term bisexual until I was 17, when someone else came out as bi."

"I knew I wasn't direct when I was xi, when I started having crushes on male person celebrities and boys in my yr. Only I didn't know the term 'bisexual.' It wasn't something that was ever taught to me. I didn't observe the term until I was 17, when someone else came out as bisexual. Even so, they were immediately erased, then I still thought I must be 'gay in deprival.' Gay didn't explain why I was attracted to multiple genders, but I didn't see any other options.

"I establish ways to deny my sexuality to myself, telling myself I could never have sexual activity with a man, or picture myself in a relationship with a man. This changed when I fell in honey with my all-time friend, a straight guy. The deprival got a lot harder and started to cause me serious pain. I knew there was no denying who I was. And so, just before turning 25, I came out equally bisexual." ― Vaneet Mehta, producer and writer

"Information technology took joining a very beige workplace after graduating from higher to realize that I wasn't straight."

"Realizing I was bisexual was a journey of tidbits. I'd e'er been attracted to women, but I remember reading Cosmo manufactures which reassured me it was totally normal and common for women to be attracted to each other and that didn't mean I was (gasp) gay. I remember society'southward defoliation nigh bi people ways we're treated as heterosexual until proven otherwise, even when we're doing and feeling queer things. That civilization has a lot to answer for and is responsible for so many bi people non feeling queer plenty to ever come up out, or coming out much later than their gay friends.

"It took joining a very biscuit workplace subsequently graduating from college university to realize that I wasn't straight: Most direct women weren't sexually attracted to other women, most straight women didn't experience most at dwelling in queer communities and most straight women didn't take a fraught shell on their spoken-for lesbian friend. That wasn't normal straight lady stuff. And with that final tidbit of realization, like an anvil with 'You IDIOT' written on information technology, I knew I was bisexual." ― Nicole, 33

"It wasn't until college that I ever really told anyone I was bi, and even and so information technology was just to my and then-fiancé."

"Everyone has crushes growing up, and I knew from as early on every bit I was aware of what a crush on someone meant that mine weren't limited to 1 gender. Beingness raised in a strictly fundamentalist religious community, though, meant that I knew that there was only i set of feelings I could ever speak about or act upon. Growing up suffering from gender dysphoria definitely didn't aid matters, either; though I felt within that I was anything but a straight male, that was the simply identity I was allowed to limited.

"It wasn't until college that I actually ever told anyone I was bi, and fifty-fifty and so information technology was only to my then-fiancé in order to assure her that I was non going to cheat on her with anyone of whatever gender while we were geographically separated. I held that cloak-and-dagger from anybody else for some other decade, only admitting information technology publicly later on my coming out as a trans woman resulted in our divorce. Past and so, I was nearly 30 years quondam, ten years into a war machine career, and had nothing to gain by denying it farther." ― An Army soldier, 35

"I wasn't certain if I was really bisexual or if it was 'just a phase,' then I kept quiet almost it for years."

"I [can give thanks] Joseph Gordon-Levitt for awakening my bisexuality. When I was xiii I was a large fan of the show 'tertiary Rock from the Sunday,' and whenever I saw him I realized I liked him the aforementioned way I liked my other big celebrity beat at the time, Christina Ricci. Throughout my teen years I also developed crushes on Taylor Hanson and 2 boys that went to loftier school with me. They were both straight, and so I never initiated annihilation with them, merely I nonetheless fantasized well-nigh them. Withal I hesitated calling myself bisexual because 1) at the time the discourse surrounding LGBTQ issues focused solely on gay people, with bisexuals being nothing more than than a footnote; and 2) I wasn't sure if I was really bisexual or if it was 'merely a stage,' so I kept quiet about it for years.

"I finally came out as bi when I was 29 and engaged to a conservative Christian woman. Nosotros bankrupt up soon afterward and I started dating a man who was everything my ex-fiancee wasn't. That relationship, unfortunately, but lasted for nine months, but existence with him made me feel ― every bit clichéd as information technology may sound ― alive for the starting time time." ― Tris Mamone, writer

LeoPatrizi via Getty Images

"I adult crushes on boys in my class and in Telly shows. It was a weird, confusing fourth dimension!"

"I grew upwardly in downstate Illinois, in a rural farm community so small and straight that, fifty-fifty if I had whatever gay people in my school, they well-nigh certainly would not take identified as such. It took me a skilful long time to reconcile being attracted to both men and women, which certainly didn't make me fit in more, already beingness a huge nerd in a schoolhouse of farm boys and jocks. I watched porn centered on both men and women; I developed crushes on boys in my form and in Tv shows. It was a weird, confusing fourth dimension!

"Fast forward to college, where I remained in deprival for quite some fourth dimension; I had experiences with both men and women in that location, just constitute ways to compartmentalize my preferences fifty-fifty in an environment that could have been more than accepting of me. It wasn't until I graduated and moved to Chicago, where I now live, that I reconciled the fact that I might exist bi, and I didn't publicly come out until nearly two or three years ago. (I told my at present-married woman when nosotros offset started dating, and she'southward e'er been endlessly supportive of me, even later her female parent found out via a Facebook postal service and asked the states if that meant we were 'open,' hah.) I'm so glad I'm out now, and I've found then much slap-up back up from people beyond the sexual spectrum. But I can't help but wonder how much freer and honest with myself I could have been without the stigma that comes with bisexuality." ― Clint, podcaster and film/TV critic at The Spool

"Whatever daughter I knew who had kissed another at a party was seen as attention-seeking, a slut, and I didn't want to be seen similar that."

"Growing up, I think I had an underlying interest in women that I refused to wait into all throughout high school and I think it was partly due to misogyny. Any girl I knew who had kissed another at a party, for case, was seen equally attention-seeking, a slut, and I didn't want to be seen like that. I almost expressed to my all-time friend that I was curious about exploring my sexuality only before I could they were making jokes about bisexuality. Anyone who was interested in that exploration was non outright ridiculed merely there were jokes virtually them having crushes on everyone or trying to hook upwards with everyone. So I squashed all those feelings down until high school was over. The moment I was gratis from seeing those people every day, I kind of had an epiphany. Literally looking at a mail service from Zendaya on Instagram, I had a moment of clarity similar: 'Oh, I'thousand bisexual.'" ― Tayla, 23

"It's OK to exist attracted to multiple genders and even people outside of gender. It'due south more than OK, information technology's beautiful."

"I first realized I was bisexual when I was in centre school. That was also the offset time I told a friend, but it certainly didn't become public knowledge, it was more an open secret. Over the years, people I dated knew (regardless of their gender, I made sure they knew) but information technology was e'er kind of pushed to the side. For years in that location were jokes about me being 'the globe's gayest direct human being.'

"When I was 35 and heading toward my second matrimony I just kind of snapped. I had and so many queer friends of all types existence attacked for who they were, and non continuing with them seemed criminal. I am a cis-gendered white male, and if I can't stand by them with that level of privilege and so I am no friend. I came out to nearly 200 people in the class of a few days. I have never again hidden it or used chary language, I am out and always will be. I can at present say the things I so desperately needed to hear equally a immature queer person. Information technology's OK to exist attracted to multiple genders and even people outside of gender. It's more than OK, it'south cute. Being bisexual is not something to hide because I am in a place where I tin safely say, I am an out bisexual man and I will never go back in that closet again." ― David Kaye, writer and musician

Drazen_ via Getty Images

"Growing upwards, people gaslit me and said that because I was feminine my attraction to girls wasn't real."

"I'm a feminine bisexual man. Always have been so I didn't really accept the option of being in the cupboard, though sometimes I wonder if that would accept been ameliorate. Some of my primeval memories are having crushes on girls and boys in my neighborhood and also being called a f*ggot. Growing up people gaslit me and said that considering I was feminine my attraction to girls wasn't real, which was really confusing. What other people said about me made me recollect that maybe I was gay and I was merely trying to escape that, but I kept on having crushes on girls.

"What has helped me is learning that straight men, gay men and bi men are all a combination of masculine and feminine and that it's and then important not to prioritize or glorify beingness masculine over existence feminine. Information technology is an arbitrary thing that and then much value is placed upon." ― J.R. Yussuf, writer of "The Other F Give-and-take: Forgiveness" and creator of the #bisexualmenspeak hashtag

"At present my bisexuality is something I cherish and celebrate. It is an intrinsic part of me, wrapped into my DNA."

"How do you become aware of what you are if information technology's all you know? For me, I learned nearly who I was by recognizing my difference. To proper name this part of myself I starting time had to learn I was something other than what I was expected to be. When I try to bring those memories back, I recall near the feeling of fear. I could experience something inside me that needed defining and explaining, and I had no way to exercise that. I'd like to say it felt normal, that I got to enjoy my teenage crushes on people of all genders. I know it wasn't like that, though, because I remember the creeping feeling of panic when we had to get changed for P.E. I would set up my eyes on a spot on the wall or the footing, keeping my focus away from my peers in example I accidentally caught another daughter's eye and they could somehow notice my nameless hugger-mugger. I hid this function of me because, although I didn't have the words to describe myself, I still knew that if I was discovered I would be undone.

"I'm grateful now that my bisexuality is something I cherish and celebrate. It is an intrinsic part of me, wrapped into my Dna, my life and personality. Information technology'south in my work, too; all my life I had this want to understand myself that never quite felt fulfilled, and now I go to spend my spare time researching the history of the bisexual community. It reminds me that the feeling of being alone, that fear that I was the only person e'er to take felt this way couldn't exist further from the truth. Bisexual people have existed forever, despite the erasure and prejudice ― even if nosotros haven't been able to name ourselves ― nosotros were there all along and we are hither now." ― Mel Reeve, archivist and writer based in Glasgow, Scotland.


Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-know-if-youre-bisexual_l_5d8aa859e4b0c6d0cef34eeb

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