Black Rock Fish and Game Club Cornwall Reviews

Privately run nature preserve in Cornwall, New York, U.South.

Black Rock Forest
Black Rock Forest view from NE.jpg

Mount Misery (left) and Blackness Stone from
Deer Hill in Cornwall on Hudson

Map showing the location of Black Rock Forest

Map showing the location of Black Rock Forest

Location of Black Stone Wood within New York State

Show map of New York

Map showing the location of Black Rock Forest

Map showing the location of Black Rock Forest

Blackness Rock Forest (the U.s.)

Bear witness map of the The states

Location Orange Canton, New York, Usa
Nearest town Cornwall
Coordinates 41°24′29″N 74°01′18″W  /  41.40806°N 74.02167°W  / 41.40806; -74.02167 Coordinates: 41°24′29″North 74°01′18″W  /  41.40806°N 74.02167°Westward  / 41.40806; -74.02167
Area half dozen.1 sq mi (16 kmtwo)
Elevation 1,402 ft (427 1000)
Named for Magnetite deposits in forest[ane]
Operator Black Rock Forest Consortium
Website Blackness Rock Forest Consortium

Black Rock Forest is a 3,870-acre (fifteen.7 km2)[2] forest and biological field station maintained by Blackness Rock Forest Consortium. It is located in the western Hudson Highlands region of the U.S. state of New York, in Orange Canton, generally in the town of Cornwall, with the southern fringe overlapping into the neighboring boondocks of Highlands.

Established by a local resident in 1928, the forest was the holding of Harvard University until 1989. The Consortium has invested heavily in facilities to improve its enquiry and educational missions and promote sustainability, erecting several greenish buildings in the middle of the wood with invitee facilities, classrooms and laboratories. Its educational facilities are used by groups at every level, from uncomplicated grades to college undergraduates. Over 400 papers have been published from research washed in the forest.

History [edit]

Forest began to grow in the expanse about 14,000 years ago, with the retreat of the glaciers at the finish of the last Ice Age. Originally, like many post-glacial forests, information technology consisted of evergreen conifers such as spruce and fir, only as the climate warmed they gave mode to the deciduous species of oak and maple that now predominate.[3]

Like much of the Highlands, the country at present office of Blackness Rock had been heavily impacted past human usage. Native communities hunted the forest extensively, built large settlements and started forest fires to clear sections of the woods and preclude larger natural ones. After colonization of the Hudson Valley in 1690, the impact becomes more than axiomatic to the contemporary centre.[3] During the last years of the Revolutionary War the Continental Army used the Continental Road that runs through the middle of the property to get between Due west Point and its encampment at New Windsor. Spy Rock got its name from its use by Continental soldiers as a lookout bespeak where they could monitor Newburgh Bay for any signs of British activity on the strategically important Hudson River.[4]

Throughout the 19th century it saw extensive logging and mining, with some homesteads and farms established in its lower-lying portions. Merely 1 edifice, the 1834 Chatsfield stone house, remains today.[three] As the forest land began to decline in value with the depletion of its productive resource, various tracts were bought by the Stillman family unit in the belatedly 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1928, plenty land had been acquired for Dr. Ernest Stillman to officially create Blackness Stone Forest for research and sit-in purposes. He hoped to restore information technology to productive utilise once again through newly developed practical forestry techniques, as well as leaving enough of undisturbed land available for use in silvicultural research.[3]

To this end he hired a forester, Hal Tryon, and a small crew to choose unwanted species and poorly growing trees from wanted ones. The forest improved considerably, and upon his decease in 1949 Stillman left the forest to his alma mater, Harvard University, for the continuation of its purposes. During Harvard's ownership of the forest, 75 scientific papers were published based on research in information technology.[iii] Hiking trails were also developed in the wood nether the auspices of the New York - New Jersey Trail Conference. During the late 1960s and 1970s the Forest faced its biggest threat, every bit a massive power plant proposed for nearby Storm King Mountain by Consolidated Edison would have flooded about of it to build a big reservoir. That programme was eventually abandoned in 1982 after a landmark environmental lawsuit.[5]

Since Harvard also owns the eponymous forest closer to campus in Petersham, Massachusetts, in 1981 information technology asked another alumnus, William Golden, what he thought should be done with Blackness Rock. He suggested that in that location were plenty of local organizations which might exist able to derive the same do good from it, and approached them about forming a consortium or like group to take over from Harvard. Many were enthusiastic about the idea but lacked enough funds to contribute even a share of the buy price. Aureate decided to purchase the state himself in 1989 and requite it to a newly created Black Stone Forest Preserve, which in plough leases information technology to the Black Stone Wood Consortium. Harvard donated the purchase price to the forest as the beginning of an endowment, and Golden added to that with more than of his own money.[vi]

Geography [edit]

The forest is nestled in an expanse roughly bounded past US 9W to the due east and Angola Road (which it does not accomplish) on the north. To the southwest, a small portion, the onetime Mineral Springs Nature Preserve, protrudes to a public admission point on Quondam Mineral Springs Road. A large tract forth the western purlieus, and a smaller one to the eastward, are designated as ecological reserves inside the woods.[7]

Almost public admission comes from Route 9W, about the everyman portions of the land, and many of the research and educational facilities are located in that north central surface area. To the southward, in the Highlands portion of the forest, the land rises over a thousand feet (300 m) to several peaks, including the eponymous 1,402 pes (427 one thousand) Black Rock with its observation tower and Spy Rock, at 1,463 anxiety (446 chiliad)[vii] the highest indicate in the Town of Highlands and the highest elevation in the Highlands west of the Hudson River.[1] [8] There are seven ponds in the forest,[7] all of which form role of the hamlet of Cornwall on Hudson'southward water supply organisation salve Sutherland Pond, the only one in which visitors are immune to swim.[9] The ponds drain into an unnamed stream that crosses the village and empties into Moodna Creek near where it joins the Hudson; Sutherland gives rise to Mineral Springs Brook, which flows out to the breathtaking Mineral Springs Falls nearly the western end of the forest and then to Moodna Creek's main tributary, Woodbury Creek.

The forest is buffered by other, nearby protected areas in two directions, with Tempest Male monarch State Park on the east across Route 9W and the large United States Military Academy reservation direct to the southward. In other directions the large, minimally adult tracts of private landowners serve equally a buffer.[seven]

Roads and trails [edit]

A network of old logging and mining roads, including the Continental Road, still exists and provides access to many points in the fundamental region of the park. They are closed to all motor-vehicle utilize save that authorized past the consortium for its members;[9] they are open to bicycles and foot traffic and marked as part of the forest's trail system.

Together with cutting footpaths, the roads provide over xxx miles (50 km) of trails in Black Rock Woods.[10] Almost are brusk routes betwixt the roads and other trails or spurs to various overlooks running less than two miles (3 km) in total length. The two exceptions are the Scenic and Stillman trails, courage routes beyond the park in different directions, both besides conveying the long-distance Highlands Trail for all or most of their lengths.

The Breathtaking Trail, the longest in the forest at 5.9 miles (9.5 km), runs from its western trailhead on Erstwhile Mineral Springs Route nigh the falls atop the ridge past Spy Stone to end at a junction with the Stillman nigh Mountain Misery.[11] The Stillman Trail, named for the woods'southward founder, is actually a continuation of a trail that begins in Cornwall on Hudson and goes over Storm King, then crosses 9W into the forest. It runs 5.3 miles (8.five km) across the forest and over Blackness Rock to terminate at an overlook to Schunemunk Mountain and Mountainville near the forest'southward western boundary.[12]

Geology [edit]

The woods is one of the northernmost sections of the Highlands Province of the Appalachian Mountains. The Precambrian gneiss bedrock in the forest is the oldest in New York State, formed 1.1 billion-1.3 billion years ago and first uplifted during the Taconic Orogeny 460 million-440 million years ago. The Acadian and Alleghenian orogenies farther shaped the mountains to their present form, and then the glaciers and erosion wore them down.[1]

Within the gneiss tin exist plant several other minerals: feldspar, quartz, pyroxene and mica. Black bands inside the bedrock come from the mineral that gave the forest its name: magnetite, a source of iron. 2 plane crashes on the Loma of Pines, less than 600 feet (180 m) apart, are believed to accept occurred because of the mineral'due south influence on the aircraft compasses.[1]

Biological resources [edit]

Blackness Rock Forest's flora and fauna are part of the Northeastern coastal forests ecoregion.[13]

Flora [edit]

Botanists working in the woods have identified several singled-out institute communities, including lx species of tree,[14] inside it, spread among six different regions. The most widespread is an oak forest found in the drier lowlands, where red oak, the nigh mutual canopy tree on the belongings, predominates forth with maples, hickory and black birch. Some chestnuts, once the dominant canopy tree before the anecdote blight, survive too. Shrubs include mountain laurel and witch-hazel.[fifteen]

The same copse can also exist plant in the wetlands. More associate species show upwardly, especially sugar maple, also every bit beech, basswood and sweetgum. The understory add together ironwood, striped maple and spicebush. In flooded areas, red maple and alder, which tin tolerate the water, are dominant along with leatherleaf and sphagnum. A few gray birch are constitute along the edges of ponds, and eastern hemlock can be found along some of the streams, cooling the water with its shade.[fifteen]

In a higher place the ridges, as the soils thin, the dominant oaks are the chestnut and scrub oak varieties found on most montane sites in the Highlands. Pitch pine cannot flourish anywhere else in the forest except in the sparse soils found here, and on the blank rocks sensitive lichens, mosses and grasses take hold where they can.[15]

A 2003 written report past the Brooklyn Botanical Garden identified 688 species of vascular plants in the forest over an 8-year catamenia. It found 10 species rare in New York, and six considered endangered by the state, including Virginia snakeroot and bloated bladderoot[sixteen]

Animate being [edit]

As in other woodlands in the Eastern United states of america, white-tailed deer are the most abundant mammal within Black Rock Wood, providing ample hunting opportunities. Common acquaintance species like foxes, mink, striped skunks and raccoons are also common, as are rodent species like squirrels, chipmunks and voles. Some bat species besides have taken upwardly residence.[17] Coyotes accept made a comeback since 1985, and there have been signs of beaver action although the animals themselves accept rarely been seen.[xv]

Many reptiles and amphibians common to Eastern forests are well represented. These include several salamander species, a few frogs, the American toad, and the Eastern box and painted turtles. Some poisonous snakes have been found, although garter snakes and other not-hazardous species are more than common.[xviii]

Woodland birds like ruffed grouse and wild turkey are dominant among avian species, with Canada geese and mallard ducks conspicuous in and near the ponds. Smaller birds include the downy and hairy woodpeckers. All are prey for common predator species like the cherry-tailed hawk, Cooper'south hawk and barred owl.[19]

Most insect species have not been formally counted. The American Museum of Natural History, a consortium member, has counted 296 spider species in the forest as of 2005,[xx] and the following year a Harvard written report found 33 pismire species and projected a possible 58 in the forest.[21]

Management [edit]

Black Rock Woods is run on a daily basis past a staff of ten headed by Executive Director, Dr. William Schuster.[22] They study to the consortium'due south board, which is composed of 6 officers, a representative of each member organization, xiii directors-at-big and the seven members of the Black Rock Forest Preserve lath. It is currently chaired past Sibyl Gilt, who also edits Black Rock Forest News, the consortium'due south quarterly newsletter. Columbia professor Kevin Griffin serves as president.[23]

Land usage [edit]

The forest is costless and open up to the public daily for hiking and mountain biking, but within strict rules in order to preserve its value as a research and educational facility. No motor vehicles other than those authorized by the forest are allowed on its roads, and and then but within a 10 mph (16 km/h) speed limit. The wood closes at dusk daily; no camping is permitted except for occasional light-touch on stays. Inquiry plots, when conspicuously marked, are non to be disturbed.[9]

Hikers are asked to stay on marked trails and refrain from bushwhacking. Pond and fishing are permitted merely in Sutherland Pond and Mineral Springs Brook. But members of the Black Rock Fish and Game Club are allowed to hunt in the wood during New York State firearm deer season in belatedly fall;[ix] the wood is closed to the public during that menstruum.[xv]

Facilities [edit]

During the Stillman and Harvard eras, the wood administration worked out of what is at present known as the Former Woods Headquarters, on Continental Avenue, just across Route 9W from one of the chief access points. It can nonetheless business firm 15 guests. It also has a lawn for recreational activities, a tree and shrub nursery, weather condition station, storage barn and woodshop.[24]

When the Consortium took over, it decided to build several facilities to allow pedagogy and research to take place in the woods itself, the outset new construction in the wood since the 19th century.[24] All are light-green buildings, in keeping with the forest's mission,[25] that have won their architects some awards.[26]

The main edifice is the Eye for Science and Education, a 9,000-square foot (810 one thousand²) structure erected in 1999[26] with grants from the National Science Foundation, Kresge Foundation and other donors. Information technology has a wet and dry out laboratory, one,150 square anxiety (104 m²) of classrooms (with labs of their own) designed for levels from kindergarten through undergraduate, and infinite for upward to threescore visitors to stay overnight. The 700-square pes (63 grand²) dry out lab besides has refrigerators, freezers, centrifuges, distilled water and a fume hood. Archived data from woods research and observation goes dorsum to 1930 in some cases.[27] Wired and wireless Internet admission is available.[28]

Next to the Center is the Forest Lodge, built in 2005 equally the primary eye for overnight stays in the Forest. Sixty people can spend the nighttime hither, sleeping 4 to eight to a room. A central Eatables can arrange 140 for lectures and 65 for meals prepared in the kitchen, and the deck offers a view of the surrounding mountains.[29]

The third building in this chief circuitous is the Solar Pavilion, on a small rise behind the Science Eye. It is an unwalled shelter congenital of ruby-red pine harvested within the forest. Its 32 solar panels on its sloping, south-facing roof, which when combined with 48 more than on the Center for Science and Teaching provided 26,000 kilowatt hours of electricity in their showtime eleven months of operation, about one-half the building'due south full demand. During daylight in summertime it can provide all the building'south power.[30] Underneath the roof are two big picnic tables and real-time monitors for the solar power arrangement to permit the Pavilion's use as an outdoor classroom.[24]

Away from this complex are two other buildings. The 1834 Chatsfield Rock House, located forth the Continental Road between Arthurs and Tamarack ponds, the just remaining structure from the area's past uses, was rebuilt after a 1912 burn down and is at present a museum. Its exhibits relate not just to the past man uses of the wood just to its natural history, and include a brusque nearby interpretive trail designed to teach tree identification. Some educational programs are based here, and information technology besides can be used for overnight stays (albeit without electricity or running water) with woods permission.[24]

Programs and projects [edit]

The consortium runs several regular programs and projects in conjunction with its member institutions. A Modest Grants program, funded by the Ernst C. Stiefel Foundation, has been in place since 1990, standing a similar practice of Harvard'due south.[31] Teachers and researchers at member institutions are eligible for upwards to $three,000 for educational projects and $v,000 for research projects. A total of $425,000 has been given out since and then.[32]

The School in the Forest plan, funded initially by a grant from the New York Community Trust, brings students from urban public schools in New York City to the forest for twenty-four hours or overnight trips to get the same experience the consortium's fellow member schools and school districts enjoy for their students. Currently P.S 220 in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx and P.Due south/I.S 311 from Inwood, the northern tip of Manhattan Island, are participating.[33] The weekend of April 29, 2011, the Marine Biology Enquiry Plan of the Urban Assembly New York Harbor Schoolhouse headed to Blackness Rock Woods to take part in ecosystem ecology projects.[34]

In the mid-1990s, Jean Gardner, a consortium consultant, began putting together a Virtual Wood Initiative, a new concept designed to take reward of the possibilities of the and so-emerging Www. Information technology would non only allow visitors to accept a "virtual hike" through the forest, it would also provide real-time data from the forest'southward ecology monitoring network to enhance appreciation of its ecological importance.[35] In April 2004 a virtual hike with data was fabricated available,[36] in addition to the clickable map on the Consortium's website.[37]

The commencement "Dark-green Ride", a three-day, 260-mile (418 km) bicycling trip from Fort Tryon Park in Manhattan to the wood and dorsum, was held in October 2007.[38] It was successful in raising $60,000 for forest programs and will be held again in 2008.[39]

Consortium member institutions and organizations [edit]

The following institutions are members of the consortium:[40]

  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Avenues: The World School
  • Barnard College
  • The Browning School
  • The Calhoun School
  • Primal Park Salvation
  • Columbia Academy
  • Cornwall Fundamental School Commune
  • The Dalton School
  • Metropolitan Montessori School
  • New York - New Jersey Trail Conference
  • New York Academy (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Evolution, and School of Arts and Sciences)
  • Newburgh Enlarged Urban center School District
  • The School at Columbia University
  • The Spence School
  • Storm Male monarch School
  • Trevor Day School
  • Urban Assembly Schoolhouse for Practical Math and Science

Access [edit]

Well-nigh access to Black Rock Forest comes from Route 9W to the east, where there are iii separate parking areas along the southbound roadway of the divided highway. The main entrance and parking lot is on Reservoir Route nearly Storm King School and Cornwall on Hudson's Deer Loma section. From there it is 0.6 miles (0.97 km) via trail or 0.5 miles (0.80 km) road to the Center for Scientific discipline and Education. 1 mile (ane.half dozen km) north of that is the entrance reverse the old headquarters building on Continental Road, with more limited parking, and several miles to the due south, just n of the USMA property, in that location is some other minor parking lot aside 9W.[37]

Three other entry points exist. From the south, along NY 293 a mile s of Route 9W, a trail from the end of a short route leads from the armed forces reservation into the wood. On the northwest side, there is another trailhead nearly the end of Mine Hill Route, a dead-end street off Angola Route, and finally there is the admission from Old Mineral Springs Road at the western corner.[37]

See also [edit]

  • Scenic Hudson Preservation Briefing 5. Federal Power Committee

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d "Geology". Archived from the original on July 2, 2007. Retrieved Jan 26, 2008.
  2. ^ "About the Forest". Retrieved Baronial 29, 2016.
  3. ^ a b c d east "Woods History". Archived from the original on May 9, 2008. Retrieved Jan 26, 2008.
  4. ^ New York Walk Volume. Illustrations by Robert L. Dickinson and Jack Fagan. (Seventh ed.). Mahwah, NJ: New York - New Bailiwick of jersey Trail Conference. 1998. p. 312. ISBN1-880775-30-i. {{cite volume}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  5. ^ Ibid., 305.
  6. ^ "History of the Consortium". Archived from the original on December 6, 2007. Retrieved January 26, 2008.
  7. ^ a b c d "Black Rock GIS Map" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 18, 2008. (72.four KB), retrieved January 26, 2008.
  8. ^ Schunemunk Mount, Orange County'south highest peak at one,664 feet (507 m), while located a short distance to the due west, is geologically distinct from the Highlands and non considered function of them.
  9. ^ a b c d "Usage Policies". Archived from the original on May 9, 2008. Retrieved January 26, 2008.
  10. ^ New York Walk Book, 313
  11. ^ Ibid., 317-eighteen.
  12. ^ Ibid., 319-21.
  13. ^ Olson, D. M; E. Dinerstein; et al. (2001). "Terrestrial Ecoregions of the Globe: A New Map of Life on Globe". BioScience. 51 (xi): 933–938. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051[0933:TEOTWA]2.0.CO;2.
  14. ^ "Trees of Black Rock Forest" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 18, 2008. (114 KB), retrieved January 26, 2008.
  15. ^ a b c d eastward Ibid., 310-11.
  16. ^ Barringer, Kerry; Clemants, Stephen (October 2003). "The vascular flora of Black Stone Forest, Cornwall, New York". The Periodical of the Torrey Botanical Gild. Torrey Botanical Gild. 130 (four): 292–308. doi:ten.2307/3557547. JSTOR 3557547. Retrieved Jan 29, 2008. The flora of Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, New York, contains 688 species of vascular plants. Between 1990 and 1998, tracheophyte specimens were collected in the Forest as role of a serial of studies of the vegetation and flora. The flora includes ten country rarities. Of the vi species in the Wood considered imperiled in the country, Aristolochia serpentaria and Utricularia inflata are extant [ permanent dead link ]
  17. ^ "Mammal Species List" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 18, 2008. (eighteen.0 KB), Retrieved January 27, 2008
  18. ^ "Reptiles and Amphibians List" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 18, 2008. (229 KB), Retrieved January 27, 2008
  19. ^ "Bird Species List" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 25, 2008. (62.7 KB), Retrieved Jan 27, 2008.
  20. ^ "A List of Spiders". 2005. Retrieved January 27, 2008.
  21. ^ Ellison, Aaron; Record, Sydne; Arguello, Alexander; Gotelli, Nicholas J. (August 2007). "Rapid Inventory of the Ant Assemblage in a Temperate Hardwood Forest: Species Composition and Assessment of Sampling Methods". Environmental Entomology. 36 (4): 10. doi:10.1603/0046-225X(2007)36[766:RIOTAA]2.0.CO;2. PMID 17716467. A total of 33 species in 14 genera were nerveless and identified ... Using new, unbiased estimators, we projection that 38-58 ant species are likely to occur at Black Rock Forest.
  22. ^ "Staff". Archived from the original on January 18, 2008. Retrieved January 31, 2008.
  23. ^ "Board". Archived from the original on July 25, 2008. Retrieved January 31, 2008.
  24. ^ a b c d "Facilities and Resources". Archived from the original on November 21, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2008.
  25. ^ "Green building and smart features". Archived from the original on November 21, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2008.
  26. ^ a b "Awards". Archived from the original on Dec half dozen, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2008.
  27. ^ "Data Resources". Archived from the original on December 6, 2007. Retrieved Jan 31, 2008.
  28. ^ "Spaces for Learning". Archived from the original on Dec 6, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2008.
  29. ^ "Forest Club". Archived from the original on December half dozen, 2007. Retrieved Jan 29, 2008.
  30. ^ "Solar panels". Archived from the original on December 6, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2008.
  31. ^ "Pocket-sized Grants". Archived from the original on December 9, 2007. Retrieved Jan 29, 2008.
  32. ^ "Grants Given to Date". Archived from the original on May ix, 2008. Retrieved January 30, 2008.
  33. ^ "School in the Wood". Archived from the original on November 21, 2007. Retrieved January 30, 2008.
  34. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 31, 2011. Retrieved 2011-06-thirty . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived re-create equally title (link)
  35. ^ Muschamp, Herbert (February 25, 1996). "Compages VIEW;In Cyberspace, Seeing the Forest for the Trees". The New York Times . Retrieved January thirty, 2008.
  36. ^ "Black Rock Wood Virtual Hike". April 2004. Retrieved January 30, 2008.
  37. ^ a b c "Clickable Map". Archived from the original on May 9, 2008. Retrieved Jan thirty, 2008.
  38. ^ "The 'Green Ride' Raises $48,000 for Forest Education Programs" (PDF). Black Stone Woods News. Xviii (i): 1. Wintertime 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 12, 2008. Retrieved Jan 31, 2008.
  39. ^ "The Dark-green Ride". Archived from the original on May 3, 2008. Retrieved January 31, 2008.
  40. ^ "Members". Retrieved January 25, 2017.

External links [edit]

  • Blackness Rock Forest Consortium website
  • Educatee Investigations using Data from the Environmental Sensors at the Black Stone Wood


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